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An official website of the United States government

United States Secret Service

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Report suspected counterfeit currency to your local authorities. Law enforcement agencies, banks and cash processors will submit suspected counterfeit currency to the Secret Service through our USDollars website.

Effective November 1, 2024, the United States Secret Service will no longer accept electronic submissions of suspected counterfeit notes via the USDollars website. Please follow this link to learn more about submitting suspected counterfeit notes.

FRB cash vault registration and submission will continue after November 1, 2024.
If you are having trouble receiving emails from USDollars, please ensure that usss.gov and do-not-reply@usss.gov are in your white listed email addresses. Please contact your IT department or Internet provider if you need assistance.

Authorization to enter this site is granted by entering a valid user name and password. If you are a current registered user and do not know your user name and / or password, use the "Login Assistance" link to have your credentials reset.

This site is owned and operated by the Government of the United States of America. Unauthorized access to this system is a violation of Federal Statute 18 USC 1030. This system is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY and is subject to monitoring at all times.